Monday, December 26, 2011

It's been a while...

Why hello there!

Whoa. It's been a while since we've posted but we haven't forgotten about you!
Hope you haven't forgotten about us. :)

The magazine team has been super busy lately but we've wanted to take a moment to check in.
So here are a few updates!:

Aly and Jaimie have been super productive with a couple of amazing stories for the upcoming issue. Thanks to their persistent hearts they were able to do a couple of interviews and start on their stories while the rest of the editors got to start on a few visuals.
Nelson got a couple of awesome photo shoots done regardless of the chilly weather here. Even though the air was still cool, Alfonso and I took a little trip to Bass Lake to shoot a little video. (So excited to show you soon!) And speaking of exciting little settings, Aly, Alfonso and I got to build a little set with miniature popsicle and stir sticks to complete a tiny playground, swing set, and picket fence. (Don't worry. We didn't forget to add a mini bird-sized house. :) )

Well thank you for your prayers on helping us get a bunch of little tasks like these done!
We hope that your holidays have been just as fulfilling and blessed!
So tell us: What have you been up to this season? :)


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