Monday, August 22, 2011


Hello! Welcome to the first prayer blog post ever! Enjoy reading our updates. The purpose of this blog is to keep you in the loop with what God is doing at Inheritance Magazine and to cultivate a community of prayer warriors! Partner with us to see Heaven kiss earth. BAM!!!! ARE YOU READY FOR THIS!!!

Today at the inheritance prayer meeting our marketing/outreach director Kylie shared with us how much God wants us, how jealous he is for us. God's jealousy is such a pure jealousy and not an earthly jealousy. He wants to spend time with us. So we encourage you all to seek God and to spend time with Him. He has soo much that He desires to reveal to you.

Another thing God put on our hearts is to begin ministering on high school campuses. We are still figuring out what this looks like, but God is revealing a lot to us in the area of outreach/ministry.

Praise Reports:
By the way God opened up an opportunity to minister at Pioneer Continuation High School. We will keep you posted on what this looks like!

Pray With Us:
Pray that the hearts of Madera would be softened, as God's ministers go out into the city, that Madera would fall in love with God.

- Ruby Arreguin
Prayer Director

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